Euro / dollar exchange rate

Euro Dollar Forecast

Shortage establish an yearly listing throughout 2003 with the 489.4 billion shortage exceeding the prior of about $ 418 billion recorded in 2002. Additionally, the shortage climbed from 4 per cent of GDP in 2002 to 4.5 per cent in 2003 to fund the deficit, the government has to entice funds domestically or internationally. Some market analysts dread that the magnitude of this shortage combined with the very low interest levels discussed previously can lead to financing issues.

Up to Now, nevertheless, Asian central banks Are still big buyers of U.S. Treasury securities since they increase their money in a bid to curtail the admiration of their monies and safeguard the competitive prices in their exports into the U.S. Japan spent a record $187 billion to encourage that the yen and guard the stirring of life from its own market.  But the Bush Administration was putting pressure on China to float its own currency, hence raising the purchase price of its exports into the U.S. and assisting cancel the trade deficit. Analysts expect China to demonstrate some flexibility and also to marginally lower its requirement for dollars.

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